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One Woman’s Horrifying Journey Through the Rohingya Crisis

The Rohingya refugee crisis continues to devastate lives in Southeast Asia. Hundreds of thousands have poured into Bangladesh, fleeing intense persecution in Myanmar.

Cosmopolitan recently published the story of Sayeda Begum, a refugee who experienced a traumatic childbirth and a horrifying journey through the Rohingya crisis. Fleeing for her life while suffering from fistula, Sayeda found help from HOPE Hospital, a longtime Fistula Foundation partner providing critical help for the wave of refugees in the epicenter of the crisis.

Read the full Cosmopolitan article about Sayeda and the suffering Rohingya women are facing here:

“They Killed My Baby”: One Woman’s Horrifying Journey Through the Rohingya Crisis

Sayeda Begum was nine months pregnant and going into labor at home, but there were complications. Through the pain, she made her way to a hospital near her home in Myanmar. But instead of helping her through childbirth, Begum says she remembers the medical personnel cutting her stomach open, removing her baby, and killing it.


Published on: Dec 18, 2017