Kate Grant, CEO of Fistula Foundation, was recently interviewed by Nicholas Hill, creator of the “Acts of Impact” podcast, which highlights nonprofit organizations making a difference in communities across the world. In the episode, Kate gives a primer on what fistula is, discusses the barriers to treatment, and explains how Fistula Foundation maximizes donations to provide more life-changing surgeries for women in need. Listen to the interview on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify.
“We [the Fistula Foundation], which is a private charity, are doing more [to treat fistula] than even the US government or the UN. I’d love to say there’s a lot of competition to treat these women but there’s not, unfortunately. They too often—because the poverty is one of the drivers of the condition, lack of ability and availability of doctors and ability to get a C section when you need it—these women are not generally as politically empowered, as one would like. And I don’t care whether you’re in Dubai or Dallas, nobody wants to talk about incontinent women for very long. So it’s a tough issue to get political traction on within these countries, to get the resources that are needed to treat them.”—Kate Grant, CEO, Fistula Foundation
Special thanks go to Nicholas for the opportunity to talk about the plight of fistula patients. You can listen to more episodes from the Acts of Impact podcast here.
Published on June 15, 2022.