Fistula Foundation in The New York Times

In recent months, Fistula Foundation has had several mentions in the New York Times!

As a part of a special series for New York Times subscribers, Pulitzer Prize winner Nicholas Kristof published a comprehensive guide on “How to Make the World a Better Place.” In a section dedicated to women and girls, Kristof highlighted Fistula Foundation and our work. We are honored to be listed with only 5 other female-focused organizations in the article.

“I’ve never seen a smile to match that of a teenage girl whose fistula has been repaired, who has her life back,” said Kristof in the article.

Princeton philosopher Peter Singer also mentioned Fistula Foundation in a letter to the editor on January 28th. Both Kristof and Singer encourage readers to direct their charitable donations to causes in the developing world.

We are grateful to Peter Singer and Nicholas Kristof for championing Fistula Foundation’s work, and advocating on behalf of women suffering from obstetric fistula.

This story originally appeared in the Spring 2018 edition of our newsletter, Transformations.

Published on: Apr 17, 2018