Justine is 37 years old and lives in Bumasiki , a small village in Bugiri District in Uganda. When she found out she was pregnant with her 7th child, Justine began prenatal care visits at a nearby government health center.
However, the nurses informed her that she would not be able to deliver her baby there as they did not offer delivery services.
When her labor pains began, she prepared to go to the hospital but didn’t have enough money to get there. She labored for nearly 24 hours before reaching the closest hospital, after gathering sufficient funds from friends and neighbors.
Justine leaked for 10 years until she was recently identified by a “fistula ambassador” during a community outreach session organized by our partner Uganda Village Project. She was brought to Kamuli Mission Hospital in Kamuli District and underwent a successful fistula repair surgery.
She is now looking forward to going home to her family and wants to start a small business selling tomatoes in the evening market in her village.