From August 28-30, effective altruists from around the world gathered at EA Global 2015, a series of Effective Altruism conferences that took place in three cities worldwide – Oxford, England, Melbourne, Australia, and at the Googleplex in Mountain View, California.
The conferences featured a variety of notable speakers, including Tesla founder Elon Musk, as well as our very own CEO, Kate Grant, at the Oxford location. Ms. Grant spoke about Fistula Foundation, and how our efficiency and transparency allow us to be so effective in improving the lives of impoverished women throughout Africa and Asia. To learn more about the conference, visit
Kate Grant Addresses 2015 Effective Altruism Global ConferenceEffective Altruism is a philosophy and social movement which applies evidence and reason to determine the most effective ways to improve the world. One of Effective Altruism’s earliest proponents is Peter Singer, the renowned Australian bioethicist, author, and founder of the The Life You Can Save, an organization that maintains a list of 16 charities they believe can make the most positive change in the most effective ways. Fistula Foundation is honored to be one of these recommended charities, and a proud partner of the Effective Altruism movement.This article was originally featured in our Fall 2015 newsletter. Click here to read the entire newsletter.Publish on: Nov 4, 2015