Surgeon Spotlight: Meet Dr. Itengre Ouedraogo

Fistula Foundation is forging ahead in 2021. Not only are we strengthening the efforts of our existing partners, but thanks to your generosity, we have also expanded to support new projects as well! We are thrilled to welcome a new surgical team to our network of partners across Africa and Asia: Dr. Itengre Ouedraogo from Burkina Faso.

In Burkina Faso, women have very limited options for fistula treatment. Dr. Itengre Ouedraogo, a compassionate fistula surgeon, is looking to change that. Fistula Foundation’s partnership with Dr. Itengre is our first expansion into the nation, and he reports that his team is already off to an encouraging start:

“We are really starting the year very well here, especially because we will be able to help some women that have been waiting for surgery. The fact that we received the funds from Fistula Foundation very early has been a great relief. For the last three months, we have been asking them to be patient, so when we called one of them this week to announce that she will have her surgery next week, she said: ‘this is the best news I have [received] in many years.” – Dr. Itengre Ouedraogo from Burkina Faso


Dr. Itengre (left) performing a surgery.
Dr. Itengre (left) performing a surgery.

This story originally appeared in the Spring 2021 edition of our newsletter, Transformations.