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Next Stop, Zambia!

After encouraging success in Kenya since 2014, Fistula Foundation is thrilled to expand its countrywide treatment model into a second country–Zambia.

We are already seeing early success, with four new hospitals participating in the network. Two Zambian doctors traveled to Kenya for intensive training in fistula surgery under expert surgeon Dr. Hillary Mabeya, and returned home to treat women in their communities. This exciting progress is only the beginning.

Four years ago, supporters like you empowered Fistula Foundation to take a big step: we launched our first countrywide fistula treatment network in Kenya. The model emphasizes partnership above all else, allowing surgeons, outreach workers, and hospitals to work together to provide women with the best fistula care possible.

We invite you to join us as we press onward into the next exciting chapter, with a confident goal: by 2020, we will treat another 2,000 women through our nationwide treatment networks in Kenya and Zambia. With momentum like this, we can’t wait to see what the next few years have in store!

This story originally appeared in the Winter 2018 edition of our newsletter, Transformations.


Published on: Jan 30, 2018