Nura comes from Lai, a region in the south of Chad where she married at age 17. She first became pregnant at 20 and tried to give birth at home, aided only by her family. After 4 days of complicated labor, she was finally taken to the maternity center in Guidari, a nearby village.
Doctors at Guidari performed a C-section and Nura gave birth to a stillborn baby boy. Soon thereafter, she began leaking urine.
Nura did not know where she could be healed. For 25 years she was resigned to live with her condition, until 2013 when she learned about free surgeries at the Center for Reproductive Health and Fistula Repair in N’Djamena. During her first visit to the center, she was scheduled for a fistula repair surgery. Thanks to the skill and dedication of the surgical team at the center, Nura’s operation was successful and she was healed of her fistula.
Following her surgery, Nura said: “I am recovering now. And this feeling gives me an immense sense of peace. With the fistula I could not be at ease with the others, not even with my own family. Fortunately, my husband was always supportive and stayed at my side giving a good example. My intervention came out fine and I am better now.”